Robotic Surgery For Myasthenia Gravis

Robotic Surgery For Myasthenia Gravis
Dr Saravana Rajamanickam
Thoracic Surgical Oncology
Myasthenia Gravis is a rare neurological disorder that affects the transmission of signals across the nerves. Although the initial treatment for myasthenia is by drugs, more then 60% of patients with myasthenia will benefit from removal of a gland called the ‘thymus’. About 30% of all myasthenia patients have a tumor within the thymic gland, warranting it’s removal.
The thymus is situated in the chest between the chest bone (sternum) and the heart. Surgery for removal of this gland was traditionally by doing open surgery (sternotomy), which is an overkill for these patients.
Minimally invasive surgery is now the “Gold Standard” for removal of the thymic gland. Patients benefit by both decrease in the requirments of drugs and in the severity of the symptoms.
Robotic technology helps a great extent in providing the surgeon superior vision and maneuverability in navigating the difficult areas in which the thymic gland is situated. Most centers in the world have now shifted completely to a Robotic approach to remove the tumors. Recovery after robotic or VATS surgery is quick and patients are able to go home in 2-3 days. They return to their regular routine in 7 days.
Our expert team offers Robotic and Thoracoscopic Thymectomy for patients with myasthenia. Having completed more than 100+ Thymectomy procedures, Thangam Robotic Institute is one of the referral centers for such surgery in India.
Critical to success is the effective management of myasthenia symptoms before and after surgery as some patients come to the hospital with profound muscle weakness and respiratory failure. This is taken care of our experts in Critical Care, Neurology and Pulmonology. We are also a tertiary referral centre for the management of Severe Myasthenia Gravis.

Our Center offers the following service for Myasthenic patients:
- Biochemical and Immunological Testing
- Critical care / Ventilator support
- Plasmapheresis
- Thoracoscopic / VATS Thymectomy
- Robotic Thymectomy