Inhouse ConsultantDr. Aruna Prabhu

Dr. Aruna Prabhu MS, MCh
Qualification: MS General Surgery, MCh Surgical Oncology
Designation: Consultant surgical oncologist
Department: Surgical Oncology
About the Doctor
Name: Dr. Aruna Prabhu
TNMC Reg No: 120250
Address: Thangam Hospital, 54 Dr. Sankaran road, Namakkal – 637001, Tamil Nadu.
Present status: Working as a Surgical Oncology Consultant at Thangam Cancer Centre, Namakkal, Tamilnadu.
Senior registrar in TATA Memorial Hospital (TMH), Mumbai – 2016 15 August.
Senior consultant from September 2016 till date- Thangam Hospital and Thangam Cancer Centre, Namakkal, Tamilnadu.
As a first author in ‘ Gastric Cancer with Peritoneal Metastasis—A Comprehensive Review of Current Intraperitoneal Treatment Modalities’. Frontiers in Oncology May 2022.
As an author in ‘ Closing the cancer gap in India’, Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, July 2022.
As a first author in ‘First Report of a Low-Grade Pseudomyxoma Peritonei originating from gall bladder’. Visceral Medicine, Oct 2020.
As a first author in ‘Retrospective analysis of patients with signet ring subtype of colorectal cancer with peritoneal metastasis treated with CRS & HIPEC’. Cancers, Sep 2020.
As a first author in ‘Neoadjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with Pseudomyxoma Peritonei- A novel Treatment approach’. Cancers, Aug 2020.
As a first author in ‘Dual cancer: Papillary and Signet ring cell carcinoma, arising in a patient operated for
choledochal cyst: an unusual histological finding’. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, Jun 2020.
As a first author in ‘Neoadjuvant oxaliplatin based chemotherapy leads to increased oxaliplatin resistance in patients with peritoneally metastasized colorectal cancer treated with cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy’. British Journal of Surgery, 2020 (Accepted for publication).
As an author in ‘The Pathological Peritoneal Cancer Index (PCI) strongly differs from the Surgical PCI in peritoneal metastases arising from various primary tumors’. Annals of Surgical Oncology, Feb 2020.
As an author in ‘Long term survival after cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis’. Cancers, Jan 2020.
As an author in ‘Effects of Cytoreductive surgery combined with perioperative chemotherapy on long-term survival of colorectal cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis with special reference to the involved peritoneal sectors and organs’. Cancer & Chemotherapy, Dec 2019.
As an author in ‘Target region resection in patients undergoing surgery for peritoneal metastasis-is it necessary in absence of visible disease?’. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, Nov 2019.
As an author in ‘Pathological assessment of cytoreductive.
Dec 2019- Certified Course in PIPAC procedure in NUHS, Singapore.
May 2019- Fellowship in Peritoneal Surface Oncology, Basingstoke in Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, UK.
August 2018 to Jan 2019- Asian School of Peritoneal Surface Oncology fellowship in Tokushukai hospital, Osaka, Japan.
August 2009 To July 2011- HBNI Fellowship in breast surgical Oncology in Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), Mumbai, India.