Inhouse ConsultantMrs. Vasuki Vijayakrishnan

Mrs.Vasuki Vijayakrishnan, B.Sc(SLH), DSE( MR), MBA
Qualification: B.Sc(SLH),DSE( MR),MBA
Designation: Speech/Swallow Therapist
Department: Speech/Swallow Theraphy
About the Doctor
she has completed her Bachelor degree from MAHE University,Manipal. In the year 1995 Received distinguished alumnus award from MAHE University in the year 2017.
Vast experience in the field of Audiology and Speech language Pathology. Expertise in assessment, diagnose and planning therapeutic strategies for childhood communication disorders and neurogenic Speech & language disorders.Expertise in assessing audiological conditions.
Also taken role as resource person to many CRE programs. Received many awards and recognitions for her commitment to the society in the field of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology.
1. 1995 -2003 – Part time Audiologist & Speech therapist in Dr. Davis special School for children with hearing Impairment & CSI Balar Gnana illam Special School for children with Intellectual Disability.
2. 2003 – 2004 – ADIP Scheme, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment,Govt. Of India
Nov 2004 to Oct 2015 – Part time Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist in Vinayaka Mission Hi – Tech Hospital currently known as VIMS Hospital, Salem.
3. Nov 2015 to Sep 2022 – Part time Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist in Neuro Foundation Hospital, Salem.
4. Started her own center in the year 2010 namely SALEM INSTITUTE OF REHABILITATION, a Government registered NGO aiming to work for the betterment of persons with disabilities.
Current projects under our National charitable trust are:
1. Special School for children with Intellectual disability & Hearing Impairment and Autism
2.Early Intervention center for children with hearing Impairment
3. Day care center for persons with Muscular Dystrophy
4.Vasuki’s Speech & Hearing Clinic
More than 150 children per day are benefited from our Institution.
As a NGO activity we provide free training to 25 children with Intellectual disability every year, Children below 6 years with hearing Impairment, free physiotherapy to children below 6 years and persons with Muscular Dystrophy.