Endoscopy Suite
Hospital has dedicated endoscopy suite with facilities for Upper GI endoscopy and Colonoscopy.
High end endoscopic procedures are being done for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
- Screening UGI endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy.
- Pre-treatment planning
- Scopy guided biopsies
- Narrow band imaging
- Surgical planning
- Argon plasma coagulation (APC) for radiation induced proctitis
- Banding for esophageal varices
- Sclerotherpy
- Snare polypectomy (rectal,colonic polyp)
- Stenting – esophgeal and colonic

Upper GI Endoscopy

Lower GI Endoscopy
(Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy)

Cystoscopy is the endoscopic examination of the urinary bladder and urethra. It can be diagnostic (to identify or monitor disease) or therapeutic (to treat the disease). Diagnostic cystoscopy is usually done as day case procedure using local anesthetic lubricating jelly instilled in urethra and patient can go home immediately after the procedure. It may be recommended in recurrent urinary infections, blood in urine, urinary blockade or suspected cancer in urinary tract. Therapeutic cystoscopy is done under general / regional anesthesia where special instruments are used through endoscopes to treat diseases such as stones and cancer.
Hysteroscopy – evaluation of uterus
Hysteroscopy is endoscopic examination of inside of the uterus. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is usually done with laparoscopy to identify the causes of infertility. Therapeutic hysteroscopy is done to treat lesions and polyps in the uterus where special instruments are introduced through the endoscope to biopsy or remove them.
Thangam Hospital is equipped with HD camera system and both diagnostic and therapeutic hysteroscopic equipments

Ureteroscopy is endoscopic examination of the ureter (a small tube connecting the kidney and the bladder) and the inside of the kidney. This is done on operating room under general anesthesia, where a small endoscope is passed into the urethra, bladder, then into the ureters and kidney. This procedure is useful in diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones and certain cancers of ureter and kidney.

Bronchoscopy – adult, pediatric