Larynx & Pharynx Cancer
Pharyngeal and laryngeal cancers are commonly grouped together as throat cancers. Pharynx is a muscular tube that begins behind the nose and ends in neck, and is divided in to three parts; nasopharynx, oropharynx and hypopharynx. Larynx is commonly referred to as voice box, which is also divided in to three parts; supraglottis, glottis and subglottic regions.
Symptoms of Larynx & Pharynx Cancer
- Nasopharyngeal cancer – arises from the nasopharynx; the part of the pharynx, just behind the nose.
- Oropharyngeal cancer – arises from the oropharynx; the part of the pharynx behind the mouth.
- Hypopharyngeal cancer – arises from the hypopharynx; the lower part of the pharynx, behind the larynx (voice box) and above esophagus (food pipe).
- Glottic cancer – arises from the vocal cords (mid portion of larynx).
- Supraglottic cancer – arises in the upper portion of larynx, above the vocal cords.
- Subglottic cancer – arises in the lower portion of larynx, below the vocal cords.
Risk Factors
- Tobacco use, including smoking and chewing tobacco
- Alcohol use
- Viral infections, including human papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
Treatment options for laryngeal and pharyngeal cancers
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the main stay of treatment for these types of cancers.
Surgical options are available for specific scenarios, where partial, total laryngectomy (removal of voice box) and laryngopharyngectomy along with removal of lymph nodes, may be suggested as per the stage of the tumor. Even after complete removal of voice box, patient can speak using special voice prosthesis and electro-larynx.
Recently, endoscopic and minimally invasive robotic surgeries are available for early cancers with good results.


Dr. Saravana Rajamanickam

Dr. Deepti Mishra

Dr. Aruna Prabhu

Dr. Sachin Chavre